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Beverly Garland
Honoree 2001
Marilyn McCoo & Billy Davis, Jr.
Honorees 2017
Jo Anne Worley
Honoree 2005
Barbara Eden
Honoree 2016
Mike Connors
Honoree 2001
Vin Scully
Honoree 2008
Don Knotts
Honoree 2000
A C Lyles
Honoree 2006
Leonard Maltin
Honoree 2007
Bill Dana
Honoree 2006
Bob Banner
Honoree 2010
Mary Hart
Honoree 2016
Michael Feinstein
Honoree 2013
Lily Tomlin
Honoree 2012
Donna Mills
ebruary 2018
Richard Chamberlain
Honoree 2019
Neil Sedakka
Honoree 2013
Dick Cavett
Honoree 2014
Buzz Aldrin
Honoree 2009
Wink Martindale
Honoree 2005
Orson Bean
Honoree 2001
Joseph Campanella
Honoree 2005
Chad Everett
Honoree 2011
Florence Henderson
Honoree 2011
Frank Gorshin
Honoree 2004
Andy Williams
Honoree 2010
Jaime Farr
Honoree 2002
Jaime Jarrin
Honoree 2014
Pat Harrington
Honoree 2000
Art Laboe
Honoree 2019
Jack Jones
Honoree 2011
Robert Wagner
Honoree 2009
Rick Dees
Honoree 2015
Johnny Mathis
Honoree 2013
Patrick Duffy
Honoree 2018
Mickey Rooney
Honoree 2004
Bob Eubanks and Stephanie Edwards
Honorees 2015
James Bacon
Honoree 2004
Rona Barrett
Honoree 2010
Alan Thicke
Honoree 2008
Anne Jeffries
Honoree 2001
Tom Bosley
Honoree 2003
Carl Reiner
Honoree 2003 & 2014
Art Gilmore
Honoree 2005
Loni Anderson
Honoree 2018
Gill Stratton
Honoree 2002
James Darren
Honoree 2007
Ray Charles
Honoree 2012
Larry King
Honoree 2012
Loretta Swit
Honoree 2008
Eric Braeden
Honoree 2007
Peter Falk
Honoree 2006


will be honored

Surprise Guests

Additional Photos from our luncheon honoring Peter Marshall

Some musical greats attended the May 16th PPB luncheon honoring Peter Marshall. Singing icon Jack Jones enjoyed a chat with two PPB members: Noted TV producer (Dean Martin celebrity roasts) Lee Hale, and band leader, arranger and composer Van Alexander. (David Keeler photo)

Enjoying his first PPB celebrity luncheon since his open heart surgery, PPB Board member "Shotgun" Tom Kelly exchanged stories with dais member Alex Trebek, Board member Jhani Kaye (who produced a fantastic pre-luncheon video about Peter Marshall) and PPB's affable president, Chuck Street. (Don King photo)

Where else but a PPB celebrity luncheon could you find such musical luminaries together as this foursome? Enjoying green room comradery prior to the May 16th luncheon for Peter Marshall were PPB members Jerry Sharell, Lee Hale, Ray Charles and Van Alexander. Not only is Peter Marshall an iconic game show host, but an excellent vocalist, as he demonstrated during his acceptance speech after receiving the Gilmore Award. (Don King photo)

At each PPB celebrity luncheon, Board member Charles Cappleman introduces a table of college/university students studying broadcasting, guests of Ralph Edwards Productions. At the Edwards table at the Peter Marshall luncheon was this group and their faculty adviser from UCLA. PPB table hosts were Tom Hatten, left, and John Clark, center. (David Keeler photo)

Long-time "Jeopardy" host and PPB member, Alex Trebek had some fascinating stories to tell about honoree Peter Marshall, his good friend of many years. There were no "Double Jeopardy" responses in Trebek's remarks, but lots of good-humored anecdotes. (Don King photo)

Luncheon dais and PPB member Jo Anne Worley asks: "Who has the better hat -- "Shotgun" Tom Kelly or PPB stalwart Tom Williams?" There was no prize awarded, only lots of laughs from Peter Marshall celebrity luncheon attendees, especially during Jo Anne's parody of "Memory" from "Cats." (David Keeler photo)

There was a plethora of after luncheon laughter attributed to Peter Marshall's fondly-remembered "Hollywood Squares" series. Peter joined Jack Jones at the mike to relive some of the sharp questions and slightly-off-color responses that were so daring in those earlier TV days. (Don King photo)

Our distinguished Art Gilmore Career Achievement Award was gratefully accepted by honoree Peter Marshall at the May 16th celebrity luncheon in his honor at Sportsmen's Lodge. As an added thank you to luncheon attendees, Peter serenaded all with two of his marvelous ballads. At age 88, Peter still has his beautiful singing voice along with his effervescent and engaging personality. Luncheon attendees left having enjoyed a great meal and wonderful entertainment. (David Keeler photo)

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