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Mike Connors
Honoree 2001
Michael Feinstein
Honoree 2013
Peter Falk
Honoree 2006
Dick Cavett
Honoree 2014
Lily Tomlin
Honoree 2012
Jo Anne Worley
Honoree 2005
Patrick Duffy
Honoree 2018
Barbara Eden
Honoree 2016
James Darren
Honoree 2007
Carl Reiner
Honoree 2003 & 2014
Joseph Campanella
Honoree 2005
Johnny Mathis
Honoree 2013
Mickey Rooney
Honoree 2004
Jack Jones
Honoree 2011
Art Laboe
Honoree 2019
Bob Banner
Honoree 2010
James Bacon
Honoree 2004
Beverly Garland
Honoree 2001
Buzz Aldrin
Honoree 2009
Anne Jeffries
Honoree 2001
Art Gilmore
Honoree 2005
Jaime Farr
Honoree 2002
Bill Dana
Honoree 2006
Bob Eubanks and Stephanie Edwards
Honorees 2015
Ray Charles
Honoree 2012
Robert Wagner
Honoree 2009
Rona Barrett
Honoree 2010
Loretta Swit
Honoree 2008
Frank Gorshin
Honoree 2004
Rick Dees
Honoree 2015
Donna Mills
ebruary 2018
Chad Everett
Honoree 2011
Marilyn McCoo & Billy Davis, Jr.
Honorees 2017
Neil Sedakka
Honoree 2013
Leonard Maltin
Honoree 2007
Pat Harrington
Honoree 2000
Andy Williams
Honoree 2010
Richard Chamberlain
Honoree 2019
Don Knotts
Honoree 2000
Loni Anderson
Honoree 2018
A C Lyles
Honoree 2006
Eric Braeden
Honoree 2007
Tom Bosley
Honoree 2003
Wink Martindale
Honoree 2005
Vin Scully
Honoree 2008
Alan Thicke
Honoree 2008
Mary Hart
Honoree 2016
Florence Henderson
Honoree 2011
Gill Stratton
Honoree 2002
Orson Bean
Honoree 2001
Larry King
Honoree 2012
Jaime Jarrin
Honoree 2014


will be honored


Periodically at its luncheons honoring a well-known celebrity, Hollywood Media Professionals also honors one of its members, who may or may not be a celebrity in the usual sense of the word, but who nonetheless has made a significant contribution to broadcasting. The other criterion for this honor is that the member must also be age 60 or older. On this page, you will find pictures of and information about our most recent inductee into the Diamond Circle. Over the past years, we have honored many distinguished broadcasting pioneers with membership in our prestigious Diamond Circle. Past Recipients.

The most-recent Recipient of the Diamond Circle Award

Diamond Circle inductee Herman Rush

Hollywood Media Professionals' Past President Chuck Street presented the organization's Diamond Circle Award to Herman Rush at the June 14, 2019 luncheon honoring Fritz Coleman. Below are Mr. Street's remarks introducing Mr. Rush.

Today's Diamond Circle inductee is an incredibly accomplished television producer. He is a Philadelphia native and graduated from Temple University in 1950.

Mr. Rush began his television career in 1951 with Official Films, a pioneer TV distribution firm. In 1957 he purchased Flamingo Films, a television syndication firm, and developed it into a major independent syndication company.

During the 60's he was associated with Creative Management Associates eventually becoming president of its television division. Herman was responsible for the packaging and network placement of "The Perry Como Show," "The Jackie Gleason Show," "The Kraft Music Hall," and "All in the Family" to mention just a few shows.

During the 70's, he produced a number of television movies and several comedy series that aired on ABC. In 1976, in association with David Wolper Productions, he executive produced the "ABC Bicentennial Special."

In 1980 he became president of Columbia Pictures Television Group, and re-established Columbia as one of the major producers and distributers of TV programs.

Mr. Rush was Chairman, CEO of Coca-Cola Telecommunications. And for seventeen years he served as an Executive Producer of "The Montel Williams Show."

In 1988 he was appointed by President Reagan to a Presidential Commission for a Drug Free America. Also, he was a board member of the Just Say No Foundation and he was Chairman of the Board of the Entertainment Industries Council.

Mr. Rush currently is involved in the creation and packaging of television and cable programs and original content for the internet and related new media.

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the newest member of the HMP Diamond Circle....Mr. Herman Rush!

Herman Rush accepting his Diamond Circle Award from Chuck Street

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